PET/CT Scan Prep
How to Prepare for Your Procedure
You may take your regular medications as prescribed, EXCEPT diabetic medications.
24 hours before your appointment
Avoid all caffeine and sugar, including fruits.
Avoid strenuous physical activity or exercise.
The night before your appointment
Eat a high-protein, low-sugar, low-carbohydrate supper consisting of any meat, eggs and vegetables.
DO NOT eat or drink dairy products, potatoes, pastas, cereals, breads, corn, peas, carrots, fruits and sugar.
Four hours before your appointment
DO NOT eat or drink anything except water (if you are diabetic, stop food and drink six hours before your scan).
One hour before your appointment
Drink two glasses of water.
What to Wear
Wear loose, comfortable clothing, without metal if possible.
Leave jewelry at home if possible.
Wear your hearing aid, glasses and/or dentures.
During Your Appointment
The procedure will take about three hours from start to finish. Let the scheduler know if you are:
Sensitive or allergic to latex
In need of pain medication for exam
Also tell your scheduler if you've had a prior PET/CT scan at another location.
Contact us at 319-294-1899.